Lesson Note On Concord

Behaviorial Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 

  • Understand the concept of concord.
  • Identify the subject and verb in a sentence.
  • Use singular and plural verbs correctly in sentences.

Instructional Materials

  • Whiteboard or flipchart
  • Markers/pens
  • Pictures or drawings of singular and plural objects (optional)
  • Worksheet with incomplete sentences


  1. Introduction (5 minutes):
  • Start by singing a song or playing a game that involves using singular and plural words (e.g., “If You’re Happy and You Know It”).
  • Briefly introduce the concept of concord as “making words friends” in a sentence. Explain that they need to agree with each other for the sentence to sound right.
  1. Activity: Identifying Subjects and Verbs (10 minutes):
  • Write a simple sentence on the board (e.g., “The cat sleeps on the rug”).
  • Ask students to identify the main word (the cat) and explain it is the subject of the sentence (who/what the sentence is about).
  • Point to the verb (“sleeps”) and explain it tells what the subject is doing.
  • Repeat this activity with a few more sentences, both singular and plural (e.g., “The birds fly high.”).
  1. Making Friends: Singular and Plural Verbs (15 minutes):
  • Introduce the concept of singular and plural verbs using pictures or drawings. Show pictures of a single object (e.g., one apple) and multiple objects (e.g., three apples).
  • Explain that singular verbs are used for one thing, while plural verbs are used for more than one thing.
  • Give examples:
  • “The apple is red.” (singular subject – singular verb)
  • “The apples are red.” (plural subject – plural verb)
  • Play a game: Say a subject (e.g., dog, cats) and students respond with the correct verb form (e.g., barks, meow).
  1. Practice Makes Perfect! (10 minutes):
  • Distribute worksheets with incomplete sentences where students need to choose the correct singular or plural verb form.
  • Alternatively, write incomplete sentences on the board and have students come up and fill in the blanks with the correct verbs.
  • Encourage peer-to-peer checking to solidify understanding.
  1. Conclusion (5 minutes)
  • Briefly review the concept of concord.
  • Have students share what they learned about “making words friends” in sentences.
  • End the lesson with a quick recap activity, repeating the game from step 3 or singing a song that reinforces using singular and plural forms correctly.


  • For younger students, focus on identifying singular and plural nouns instead of verbs.
  • For advanced students, introduce more complex concepts like subject-verb agreement with collective nouns (e.g., The team is practicing.).
  • Provide additional support to students who need it throughout the lesson.


  • Observe student participation in activities and discussions.
  • Review worksheets (if used) or completed sentences on the board.
  • Ask individual students to identify subjects and verbs in given sentences.

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